Press Statement from BDS Malaysia

5 April 2023

BDS Malaysia strongly condemns, in no uncertain terms, the brutal actions of the Israeli armed forces in attacking innocent worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on April 4, 2023.

According to reports, the armed forces of the Zionist regime attacked Palestinian worshipers who were merely performing the peaceful act of `i’tikaf’ at al-Aqsa Mosque. The attack resulted in many of the worshipers suffering severe injuries, with some having to be treated at a hospital.

In reality, the presence of the Zionist regime’s police in Jerusalem itself is a violation of international law. Not to mention their actions attacking Palestinians who were peacefully engaged in prayers at the mosque.

BDS Malaysia urges the international community to strongly condemn the actions of the Zionist armed forces and to request them to retreat from the mosque and from Jerusalem immediately.

In addition, BDS Malaysia calls on the international community to boycott the illegal state of Israel as long as it does not do the following three things:

  1. End its occupation of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, dismantle the apartheid wall and end its blockade of Gaza.
  2. Allow all Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.
  3. Give equal rights to Palestinians who live in historic Palestine (now called Israel).