We note that a ceasefire in Gaza has just been announced and hope that this will end the carnage there and allow an unhindered flow of desperately needed humanitarian aid to the noble and valiant people of Gaza.
Lest it be forgotten, BDS Malaysia would like to remind everyone that the three demands of the BDS movement have yet to be met and these are:
In other words, the settler-colonial apartheid regime of Israel is still standing. There is no place in the 21st century for such a settler-colonial apartheid regime. The one now in historic Palestine has neither a shred of moral nor intellectual argument to justify its continuing existence. Its demise is an inevitability. All those who want to see peace and justice prevail in Palestine must do everything they can to help make that inevitability happen sooner rather than later. No person and no act are too small to make a difference. To believe or say otherwise would be music to the ears of the apartheid regime and its supporters.
The barbarity and depravity of Israel and its terrorist army have been laid bare for the whole world to see these past 14 months of genocide in Gaza. So have the disgusting hypocrisy and double standards of the Western governments and media.
Thus, the urgency and necessity of maintaining our boycott campaigns for the cause of justice and Palestinian liberation are clear.
We, therefore, call on the international community to continue to boycott Israel and all parties complicit with it and the public to maintain their participation and support for all BDS campaigns.
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Malaysia (BDS Malaysia)
16 January 2025