Freedom Flotilla Hijacked by Israeli Military

30 July 2018

BDS Malaysia condemns unreservedly the interception and hijacking by the Israeli military of the Freedom Flotilla which was heading for Gaza with much needed medical supplies for the population there. 

The flotilla was on a peaceful humanitarian mission and constituted no military threat whatsoever to any party. That the Zionist regime saw it fit to thwart the mission in international waters only underlines the lawlessness of the pariah state and that even medical supplies to Palestinian civilians are deemed a threat proves beyond any measure of doubt that it is an apartheid state deserving opprobrium and boycotting by the rest of the civilized world. 

We demand that the Israeli authorities release immediately all 22 crew members of the flotilla including Malaysian national, Dr. Mohd Afandi Salleh of MyCare. We hold the Zionist regime to be fully accountable for their wellbeing and safety. 

For the sake of justice for Palestine and peace in the region, the ‘might is right’ belief on the part of the apartheid Zionist state has to be put to an end. We call on the international community and citizens the world over to join or redouble efforts to boycott and isolate the apartheid Zionist state. It worked more than two decades ago on South Africa and it will certainly work again in Palestine.